...wanna go straight to the Marathon demo? It's with the other Mac stuff...
grab freebies out of
located in the
*how to*
or link directly to the Fonthead Design site!
Windows Stuff
FreeTel (http://www.freetel.com/) provides real-time full-duplex voice communication via the Internet. You can talk to friends and relatives around the world, free of long-distance telephone charges. FreeTel includes full-duplex (including Sound Blaster 16) audio support, a real-time Electronic Phone Directory, Advanced Caller ID, Superior Audio Quality, and a keyboard communicator. Best of all, you can download this high-quality, fully-operational, unlimited use product for free.
Unlike other "free demo" Internet Phones, FreeTel does not time-out after a few minutes of operation. This free version is fully-operational because it is advertiser supported. For a one-time fee of $29.95, however, you can purchase a FreeTel+ Registration Code that gives you additional functionality and allows you to disable the advertising.
click here to run FreeTel
The Windows 95 version of PhoneDisc also runs under Windows 3.1, 3.11 and Windows NT 3.5 or greater. PhoneDisc automatically detects the version of Windows it is running under, and adjusts to take maximum advantage of the features available. Under Windows 3.1 and 3.11, PhoneDisc requires Microsoft Win32s.
Try the Free Retrieval Software Update...
If you're running Internet Explorer, just click here for the Windows 3.1 version or for the Windows 95 version.
SpriteLib is a free sprite graphics library for all multimedia developers. Containing well over 700 professionally drawn images in over a dozen sizes and themes, SpriteLib is the ideal tool for developing the latest generation of games, educational programs and multimedia applications.
Download SpriteLib for Windows from the netPOWER disc.
Macintosh Stuff
is an enterprise of Michael Herrick, dedicated to exploring the interplay between figure and ground as it manifests itself in new electronic media. Pursuits range all over a territory established by three cardinal points: theoretical musings, actual applications & getting the bills paid. Also offering design services and interface proposals for the World Wide Web.
Download Version 3.0 of the HTML Grinder, the ultimate Web site maintenance utility. Try out four powerful new plug-in tools, including one that checks your entire site for broken links.
and...take a look at Matterform Media's new QBullets. Here's the LEGEND with examples. To get the whole collection of the QBullets, click HERE and use the QBullets at your own Web site for free!
PLEASE NOTE: The demo for the Windows 95 version of Marathon 2 has not
been released yet. When it is, it will be clearly labeled as such. All the files in this library are Macintosh files.
Marathon 2: Durandal Demo
Fresh from your triumph on the starship Marathon, you are seized by the rogue computer Durandal to do his bidding in a distant part of the galaxy. Within the ruins of an ancient civilization, you must seek the remnants of a lost clan and uncover their long-buried secrets. Battle opponents ancient and terrible, with sophisticated weapons and devious strategies, all the while struggling to escape the alien nightmare....
Marathon Demo
is set far in the future on a colony ship in outer space. A science officer on the mission, you are the last hope for defending the ship as hostile and intelligent aliens prepared to destroy every living thing. Marathon provides the player with amazing futuristic weaponry, introduces a multitude of horrifying creatures and traverses hundreds of miles of terrain over multiple elevations, all depicted in high resolution graphics. The Marathon engine is sophisticated enough to create non-orthogonal spaces, resulting in arbitrarily-shaped rooms. In another breakthrough, the aliens utilize a dynamic-sensing artificial intelligence that makes them fiendishly clever adversaries. The game's surreal environment stimulates all the senses, enveloping the player in situations that reek of evil.
Pathways Into Darkness Demo
You'll explore an ancient pyramid on your mission to save the world from a hostile alien demon. Explore miles of catacombs through a smooth scrolling, first-person interface. Beautifully rendered graphics and active panning stereo sound combine to make Pathways Into Darkness the closest thing to virtual reality without a helmet! Now accelerated for Power Macintosh. Winner: 1993
MacWorld Game Hall of Fame!
WebMap 2.0b8
WebMap reads GIF and PICT files, and allows you to draw out the various
graphic primitives (rectangle, circle, oval, polygon and point) that represent the hot areas on an html image map. WebMap supports both the CERN and NCSA imagemap formats, and allows you to create your own formats.
To use WebMap, open an image file, and draw the graphic primitives over the areas of the image that should be clickable in an html browser (Netscape, Mosaic, etc.), set the URL for each object, and export the marker definitions into a .map file.